Haigazian University

Haigazian University Celebrates the National Day for Students with Learning Differences

Apr, 26
Haigazian University Celebrates the National Day for Students with Learning Differences

On Sunday, the 22nd of April, 2018, Haigazian University, under the patronage of the Ministry of Education & Higher Education and the Ministry of Social Affairs, in collaboration the “Smart Kids with Individual Learning Differences Center” (SKILD), and the British Council – Lebanon, celebrated the 5th Annual National Day for Students with Learning Differences, in its campus at Kantari – Beirut.

The auspicious event attracted a number of academicians, school principals, leading professionals in the field of education and special education, NGO representatives, therapists, activists, and parents.

All speakers at the event stressed on the importance and vital need for classroom “inclusion”.

Haigazian University President, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian stressed on Haigazian’s role in preparing competent teachers and educators, putting particular emphasis on the opening of horizons for students with various levels of abilities as well as needs.

For his part, the CEO of the Lebanese Society for Educational and Social Development, Dr. Nabil Costa presented the bitter reality of the marginalization of the people with limited capabilities. Costa emphasized on the urgency of inclusion, supported with national policies and legislations in this respect.

Words of greeting on the same theme were presented by the Consortium for Global Education President, Dr. Carolyn Bishop, and British Council Country Director Dr. Donna McGowen.

In his keynote speech, the Director of Teacher Education at Biola University in Southern California, Dr. Dennis Eastman, highlighted the important role and responsibility of parents and teachers in supporting children with special differences, in addition to the notion of “inclusion”, as a cornerstone in building future nations.

The celebratory event was concluded with the special remarks of the Director General of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Mr. Fadi Yarak, who presented the latest achievements of the Ministry with regard to the inclusion of students with special needs and learning difficulties.

It is worth noting that the celebration of the National Day for Students with Learning Differences was coupled with two days of intensive trainings and workshops, which took place in the premises of the University. During the thorough sessions, academicians from Haigazian and Biola universities, Al-Makassed Philanthropic Islamic Association in Beirut, Eduvation School Network – Beirut, Al-Azm Organization –Tripoli, focused on the strategies of inclusion of students with learning differences and special needs in schools.

Mira Yardemian
Public Relations Director